There comes a day for each of us in which we all must face our own mortality and come to terms with our own deaths. But I digress. I need a summer job.
Where have I been lately? Since my interview? Well, since that Monday, I’ve had an Immunology test that following Thursday, genetics quiz the Wednesday after, then a Biochem and Principles of Public Health exams on the same day. Then there was the scholarship essay due the day after. My classes wouldn’t let up until they had collectively punched out my caffeinated blood all over the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Library.
But the good news is that I remained alive, closed down the Gr1llé and made it safely to the train station despite walking through the campus in the dead of morning crooning Jonathan Coulton at the top of my lungs.
The results of that interview will come back to haunt some distant future Tommy. Tuesday, I think. But the results of 2/3 of my exams came back. An (unfortunate) B and a (WTF?) A. I can’t really explain that last one. But no one deserves my thanks more than you All for the constant mobility although I suppose the polymer wheels deserve a shout-out too.