Seeking Morpheus

I’ve said it before. Sleep deprivation sucks.

It especially sucks when I have to, you know, do stuff. I’m usually fine for most of the day. My body uses its glycogen reserves to keep me alert if not fully cognizant. Then between 5:00 and 7:00 PM I’m a lump. I usually end up lying on the ground in front of the TV watching Family Guy without the common sense to take an actual nap until I realize that it’s 7:00 and I haven’t done my homework. I would get another adrenaline rush and get work done (if not fully cognizant of it) until 11:00 when I realize that I should have gone to bed. Unfortunately, the “Inner Asian” in me insists that I complete all my homework before sleep.

So that’s what happened Monday night. Then Tuesday night. And so on. Til Thursday night when I knew I needed to be on my toes for a Chem test on liquids and solids. Then it happened again. So I (azn)failed a physics quiz and didn’t finish my chem homework during lunch. Considering my C on the electrochemistry test, I don’t think I am within reach of an A anymore.

So I get an envelope through “ClassMail”, the teachers’ aide messaging service. It says I’ve been chosen (along with Meredith) for a leadership recognition award luncheon at Maggiano’s Little Italy on May 2. I was a little excited until I saw that we had to dress “business casual”. *sigh* Tie, slacks, fancy shoes? Sorry. Not for me. Plus I’ll miss a whole day of AP review. And I need to score fours or higher on all of them to receive recognition as… um… to feel… proud of my… accomplishments.

Oh, and according to Anthony Bae, I have “vampire length” canines.

One Response to “Seeking Morpheus”

  1. Neal says:

    Leadership recognition? Sounds like affirmative action to me.

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