I hope everyone enjoyed Asian Day. (Today was the Calculus and Chinese language AP exams in succession down at Forest View. The last time this many Asians were in one place, a democratic protest broke out.)
Tomorrow is the English Literature AP test for everyone in AP English and most of Venegoni’s class. Why? Because if we do, we get 5 “quality points” in his grading system and our 3K-word essay due date gets pushed back a week from this Friday to next Friday. Now while AP English has been preparing all year for this, Venegoni has given us some practice tests and explicated some poems in class. For the longer works analysis, it looks like I can use Invisible Man for everything. Or Scarlet Letter or Moby Dick. So it’s a crap shoot. Hopefully I can get back to school in time for the chem and physics reviews.
“Hard times”, commented Mrs. Fendley.
I have to re-sparknote that one, too.
Try something like Grapes or Wrath or Crime and Punishment or The Awakening. That’s what Marquette told us to memorize.
You guys already got some credits anyways. So stop complaining.
Phhh Grapes of Wrath. Crime and Punishment? Who reads those?
Awakening is ok.
Now Ifi’n you want a real good book to go off of try the Metamorphisis.