First off let me say this. Do not attempt to superglue your watch band back together, fail, and accidentally glue your fingers together twenty minutes before your first anatomy exam.
It seems like everything just started to disintegrate as soon as I moved in. First my camera, and you all heard about my first scooter’s wheel. Then my watchband. I think the resinous wristband was weakened by my experience on Shakes. For each shake I make, I go from scooping ice cream from the 255K freezer to the 355K water that is used to wash the ice cream off the metal shake cups. Eventually the resin just couldn’t take it anymore and cracked. I bought some Krazy glue to fix it and stopped wearing it at work, but that was only a temporary solution as cyanoacrylate doesn’t stand up well to tension or shear forces. More cracks developed. *sigh* I really liked that watch. I got it freshmen year and the chronometer function enabled me to pwn the 12-minute run (for a person of my body shape (short thoracic cavity and stumpy legs)).
Then my headphones failed, but that was sort of expected because they have been held together by superglue since last summer, but I had to re-superglue.
Then the dry-erase board I got at the dollar store failed. I tried to fix it with some duct tape but that failed too, because I apparently also bought the duct tape from the dollar store.
why am i only halfway surprised by you measuring temperature in kelvin?
youre playing halo 3 in my room as i write this, by the way
Try eating some yams. It worked for Okonkwo.
Who gets that Joke?
I got it, but I’m not commenting on it. Just because I thought that book was awesome.
Yeah. Exactly. Scooters fail. Skates win.
The best duct tape I’ve found is usually at surplus stores, just as cheap but actually good tape. (unless it’s really old, then it’s just cheap)
hey at least your’s held up since freshman year. Mine apparently can’t withstand water before it fell apart. I got it this past summer, What do expect? It was a cheap watch
If I were to buy you a soldering iron do you think that you would use it?
I already have a soldering iron at home. I used it to “fix” my alarm clock. I don’t think it’ll fix the watch. but thanks.