“Skinny Leonidas”

JY is yelling at me through Skype to blog so I can’t put it off to tomorrow any longer. I’m sorry for my absence from the interblogs, but I’ve been out getting beatings from various subjects. First there was the Chem test which I spent so much time studying for that I missed three lectures. Then newcomer Microbiology’s first exam which was familiar and nostalgic like a shattered sternum.

I just thought microbiology would be like biology, just smaller. Ironically, there are more lectures per week, more quizzes, the tests have more questions and a short answer portion and there’s a lot more material to learn. Other than that, it’s like a more boring, yet soul-lacerating BIOL 111. The test hasn’t been graded yet, but I’m pretty sure it’s bad for my GPA/health/survival.

On the other hand, my microbiology professor looks like a skinny Leonidas because of his beard and my lab TA sounds like Seth Rogan and sort of looks like him too.

My organic chem teacher doesn’t look like a celebrity (but he sounds like Ron Popeil). He’s teaching out of the same book a continuation of the same material as last semester. “Here’s a reaction, here’s a mechanism. Memorize both or we will destroy your future.” This is where it gets a bit disturbing. When I skipped three lectures, I had to do the work on my own, taking notes from the book to play catch-up. And I enjoyed it. And it scared the living crap out of me. I usually have to fight kicking and procrastinating to get myself near a library. But I was moved by Wittig reactions and Schiff bases and Clemmensen…uh, damn. It’s something with carboxylic hydrogenation of the carbonyl group. And I couldn’t get enough. I walked out of the library depressed and mortified. I had finished two chapters.

I guess after being around all this stuff, it starts to become… appealing after a while. (Aww, I feel so dirty typing those words.) *shudder* This must be what prison is like, except… wait, never mind.

7 Responses to ““Skinny Leonidas””

  1. Neal says:

    What are your criterion in picking the titles of your blogs?

  2. lurker says:

    Perhaps JY needs to start his own blog.

    And I’m not sure why you’re depressed and mortified. Enjoy the material you’re studying is a good thing, no?

  3. Tommy says:

    If I haven’t thought of a title that is a clever reference to whatever happened, i either make a pop culture reference or pick the most absurd phrase from the blog and use that.

    And JY is considering a vlog, but he won’t commit.

  4. A Match Keel Kiwi says:

    Awesome. imbrace the fact that things are becoming appealing, in general, enjoying what you’re being educated for is a good thing. I have a professor that I think sounds a little like Oswald from the Drew Carey Show. life is amusing, no?

    Oh shit, the crows look like they’re planning an attack, got to go.

  5. Dylan says:

    It’s pronounced interblag

  6. Tommy says:

    Also, my bus driver is Wilford Brimley.

  7. Chris says:

    my bus driver is either santa claus or a really crabby lady

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