Weird feelings

The snow is gone, the sun is out and so are the exhibitionists. It’s a refreshing 60° out, but I hate Spring because it makes me feel weird. When I’m outside, it’s like comfortable… and I…enjoy being outside. It’s disturbing on a very deep level. I sit in the library studying and then I think, “Wow, I wish I could be outside.”

“Where the hell did that come from?” I exclaim as I try to shake off the odd feelings and go back to nucleophilic aromatic substitution.

Then I remembered. It’s Spring. Nature comes back. Love is in the air. Damn, damn, damn! I was supposed to be good this semester. I was supposed to stay inside and do nothing but work. It was so much better last semester when the weather got crappier and crappier and I begin thinking “I should go to the library.” more and more often. Now, I can’t stop thinking about frisbees. Freakin’ sunshine.

5 Responses to “Weird feelings”

  1. Lin Tran says:

    love is in the air? Bro, I didn’t think you knew girls existed!

  2. John G. says:

    have you ever paused to consider studying outside?

  3. Chris says:

    tommy, youre on your way to becoming a bro. next thing you know youre gonna be throwing disc and ordering ‘za in your bro shorts

  4. Tommy says:

    @Lin: Two words: mating squirrels.

    @John: Incidentally, the same as above.

    @Chris: I hate ‘za.

  5. lurker says:

    How about setting up an incentive plan for yourself? x hours of quality studying in the library gives you y minutes of time in the sunshine?

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