The pharmacy kids would remember those humorous slides that Professor Rochet showed at the end of a lecture a couple weeks ago. Well, I just want to say that I’ve been trolling exam graders since last year. This is the first in what I hope to be a very long-lived series.
Not all of these are from exams, and since some exams are not ever returned, so I’ve had to redraw some of these. Others are parts of long drawn out injokes that would run the entire course of the exam. For example, this first drawing was foreshadowed by me writing the post title on the first page.
It all started with me circling my answer, as is custom, Then sorta morphed into a boat. I believe the allusion is Noah’s Ark, but I’m not sure.
This is replicated from my PHYS 221 test on, among other things, relativity. I’ll just let it speak for itself and let the Browncoats deduce the initials in the subscripts. Moving on…
I hated that problem soo much. All the answers had to be given ± a standard deviation. I ended up filling the page with work. Luckily, one of the graders in this multiple-TA class played along.
Ah, calculations. And alligation. Wacky fun…
Whoever was proctoring these tests didn’t do a good job of catching you photographing the exams 😛