The Ten Commandments (of lecture notes)

  1. Thou shalt not use dark backgrounds
  2. Thou shalt use dark non-Comic Sans fonts.
  3. Thou shalt not use large font on text-only slides yet include diagrams and pictures with tiny text and captions.
  4. Thou shalt not force us to print three slides to a page with space for notes (which we don’t even use because we take notes on the picture of the slide anyway.)
  5. Thou shalt not give us a 2-slide-per-page PDF that forces us to print out notes with lots of white space.
  6. Thou shalt upload notes a week prior to lecture.
  7. Thou shalt give lecture objectives before the lecture commences.
  8. When one sends to notes to the copy maker, thou shalt be sure that they do not omit pages nor misplace large tracts of pages.
  9. Thou shalt not include redundant slides in the printed handouts that are in your presentation “just to make a point”.
  10. Thou shalt not include graphics that depend on color for readability.

One Response to “The Ten Commandments (of lecture notes)”

  1. Dylan says:

    The common practice is actually to have a darker background and light text. And as much papyrus as is needed.

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