This past week, there were a bunch of events put on by the Asian Pacific American Caucus on what it means to be an Asian-American. I thought, “Oh, goodie. Liberal Arts majors! I never get to interact with those people!”
No, really it was a panel of esteemed Asian professors/big shots that was basically spilling their life stories on what it was like to grow up in the Midwest, go to graduate school and marry a white spouse. (This is Purdue at it’s diversiest apparently.) I wasn’t able to stay for the whole forum the first day, but it was the Tuesday’s I was more interested in. That one was titled “College Racism: Racial v. Racist Humor” and brought to light the oft-cavalier way some people handle race and the shit white people say to Asians. There was much needed discussion and some group indignation, but the event had a disappointingly small turnout (for all races). (And it’s pretty obvious some professor is throwing out extra credit for attendance. That’s a bit disappointing. Almost as much as the apparent apathy Purdue Asians have for race relations.)
I only wish some of my Asian friends I invited could come but none of them could because they wanted to study for an exam we have in two weeks. Alas.
I would have gone to the discussion with you…
You would have come with me to a discussion on racial inclusiveness and humor?
But you’re white.
And weren’t you one of the people begging me to see Gran Torino sophomore year because you thought it was a great dark comedy?