“In the future, people won’t have buttholes.”

April 8th, 2018

You know, it’s funny. Life just freaking happens to you when you’re making other plans. And I planned a bunch of shit. And other shit happened. And then… here we are.

I’ve been leveling up. I’ve been growing as a person. Do I go on adventures anymore? Hell, yeah, I do. I make memories. But there’s something special about them. I don’t share them. Not necessarily because i’m ashamed of (most of) them. but what makes them special is that they’re mine and mine alone. And that’s enough, you know?

No doubt, I’m a different person typing these words than I was the last time I posted here. And I’m pretty freaking proud of that. We all become different versions of ourselves over time. But some of us don’t do it intentionally.

Anyway, I’m in the woods. More to come soon.

(Thanks go to Eric Budge for the title quote. I’ll post the context soon. I promise.)


June 20th, 2017

I’m neglecting this site. Which is a shame because I’ve occupied myself the past few months working on… myself. And I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished, I just am proud by myself. Which was the goal all along. I figure, though, since you all MIGHT care about me and be curious what I’m up to, I should put stuff here.

I will. Soon. Promise

*disappears for 8 years*